Dubious, an adjective, means "causing doubt: UNCERTAIN, questionable in value, quality, or origin" as defined by
(See the right sidebar that details how and what to post.)
Our vocabulary blog word this week is dubious.
Dubious, an adjective, means "causing doubt: UNCERTAIN, questionable in value, quality, or origin" as defined by Merriam-Webster. (See the right sidebar that details how and what to post.)
11/12/2012 04:07:14 am
This test has a dubious question. I am not sure about my answer. Dubious can be applied in this sentence because one would be unsure about a question that is dubious.
11/12/2012 04:23:24 am
After I took my math test I was very dubious about my grade. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because I was very uncertain about my grade on the math test.
11/12/2012 04:26:41 am
The dubious question was hard to interpret. This word makes sense in the context because the question was uncertain and questionable.
11/12/2012 04:52:35 am
It was uncertain to me if the dubious dictionary from the 1600s had the right definition for each word. The word dubious makes sense when used in this context because since the dictionary was made a long time ago, it was uncertain whether or not the definitions in the dictionary were correct.
11/12/2012 05:01:47 am
The time of the meeting is still dubious.
11/12/2012 05:09:43 am
The dubious opinion about the answer made me rethink my own answer. This sentence makes sense because the opinion brought uncertainty to her answer.
11/12/2012 05:11:48 am
His story made sense, but I was dubious because of his past lies.
11/12/2012 05:13:35 am
His dubious business practices caused him to lose his license. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because his busness practices were questionable in value.
11/12/2012 05:30:25 am
I was dubious when the teacher called on me to answer a question in class. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because I was uncertain about the answer.
11/12/2012 05:58:21 am
It was dubious that Mrs. Pie would give us homework.
11/12/2012 06:16:54 am
Joe gave a dubious answer to the teachers question about the book, "The Red Panda". This sentence makes sense because the teacher was uncertain of Joe's answer about the question from the book.
11/12/2012 06:27:47 am
I can not answer the dubious question because of the way it is asked. The word dubious makes because the question I was uncertain of what the question was asking.
11/12/2012 06:36:18 am
He looked at it with a very dubious expression. This makes sense in this sentence because dubious means uncertain.
11/12/2012 06:50:34 am
Bob saw Joe dubiously placing a small oddly shaped package at the target`s door. This makes sence in this context because Joe is using suspicious behavior.
11/12/2012 06:54:02 am
It was dubious whether or not my cousins would be coming over for Thanksgiving. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because it was uncertain if my cousins would be coming over for Thanksgiving.
11/12/2012 07:22:47 am
That plan was made by a dubious man, and we are uncertain that it will be a success. This word makes sense in this sentence because the man is an uncertain man.
11/12/2012 07:30:43 am
It was a very Dubious Plan.
Mr. Fodor
11/13/2012 05:28:57 am
How do we know the plan was dubious? Also check your spelling.
11/12/2012 08:15:27 am
The ditective was dubious when he coundn't solve the case. Dubious in this sentence means that the ditective was full of dout in not finding out what happened in his case.
Mr. Fodor
11/13/2012 05:11:48 am
Check spelling
11/13/2012 07:48:58 am
The detective was dubious when he couldn't sole the case. Dubious in this sentence means that the detective was full of doubt in not finding out what happens next in the case.
11/12/2012 08:27:16 am
The contract sounded very dubious when he first read it. This sentence makes sense because the contract appeared questionable to the man.
11/12/2012 08:30:02 am
The merchant tried to sell me the dubious clothing; he said it was made of silk but it was too rough to actually be of that quality. This word makes sense in this sentence because if the clothing was dubious, that ment that it was questionable in its value or quality.
11/12/2012 08:49:08 am
The popular girl was dubious to the answer question because she was talking to her friend. Dubious works here because the girl was uncertain to the answer because she was talking to her friend and not paying attention.
Mr. Fodor
11/13/2012 05:22:37 am
Awkward question. The "answer question?"
11/12/2012 09:36:38 am
The dubious answer to the math question was later proven wrong by another student. This sentence makes sense because the uncertain answer to the math question was later proven wrong.
11/12/2012 09:52:24 am
I could not decide if the verb was a linking verb or an action verb on that dubious english question. Dubious makes sense in this context because the question caused doubt for me.
11/12/2012 09:56:22 am
The old coin looks dubious to me.
11/12/2012 11:05:41 am
When we were quizzing each other, I could tell Alexis wasn't ready for the test by her dubious replies. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because the narrator could tell the person was uncertain about the answers when they were studying.
11/12/2012 11:10:07 am
I was dubious about what time the party was.This sentence makes sense because I was unsure about the time of the party.
11/12/2012 08:50:23 pm
My sister has a very dubious decision in who she wants to take to the movies with her next Saturday. Dubious makes sense in this context because it is explaining that she is uncertain or unsure on which friend she would like to take to the movies with her.
11/13/2012 04:41:02 am
I was dubious if I got an A on my science test. Dubious can be used in this sentence because dubious means uncertain.
11/13/2012 04:52:57 am
I was dubious about the basketball drill. Dubious can be used in this way because I didn't know how to do the drill.
11/13/2012 05:33:27 am
I was dubious about one of my answers on the math test. Dubious makes sense in this because I was unsure about answers on my test.
11/13/2012 05:43:44 am
I was dubious about the math test. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because I was unsure.
11/13/2012 05:54:08 am
As Evelyne hiked through the lush, dense jungle she was carefree and payed no attention to the dubious path ahed. This sentence makes sense because Evelyne did not worry about the uncertain path.
Mr. Fodor
11/14/2012 09:32:18 am
Check your spelling.
11/13/2012 06:02:46 am
I was dubious about the call that the referee made. This makes sense in this context because I was uncertain that the call was correct.
11/13/2012 06:23:21 am
The outcome of the team's next game against the undefeated school was dubious. Dubious has a valid meaning in this context because the school the team will be playing is clearly good if they are undefeated and if they are good they will probably win.
11/13/2012 07:25:48 am
I was dubious and unsure about whether the correct answer was A or B on my quiz. Dubious makes sense in this context because I was uncertain and questionable about the correct answer.
11/13/2012 07:47:59 am
After my science test, I was dubious about the grade I got. Dubious makes sence because I was uncertain of what grade I got on my test.
11/13/2012 07:51:41 am
That was such a dubious question to understand. Dubious can be used in this sentence because the question is hard to understand.
11/13/2012 08:06:20 am
My dog was showing dubious behavior when he chewed the golf cart seat. This sentence makes sense because of my dog's questionable behavior.
11/13/2012 08:41:25 am
I was dubious after I auditioned for the play.
11/13/2012 08:49:35 am
I was very dubious about the information that was being taught. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because I was uncertain of the information.
11/13/2012 10:17:05 am
My brother sound dubious when he answered my question. This sentence makes sense because my brother sounded uncertain when he answered my question.
11/13/2012 10:19:26 am
I was dubious about my grade on the test. This makes sense because I was uncertain about my grade.
11/13/2012 10:32:35 am
I was dubious of the answer to the question that my teacher asked me. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because I was uncertain of the answer to the teacher's question.
11/13/2012 10:57:04 am
When I went to the store Pawn Stars, I could tell that Donald was dubious when I showed him my 124 year old bible. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because the man was uncertain about the authenticity of the really old bible.
11/13/2012 10:58:18 am
The girl was dubious about the science fair idea. This sentence makes sense because she was uncertain about the science fair idea.
11/13/2012 11:13:32 am
I was dubious about the worth of the gold. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because I didn't know how much the gold was worth.
11/13/2012 11:49:28 am
I was feeling dubious at Menchies because I didn't know what flavor I should get. Dubious can be written this way because there are so many yummy flavors at Menchies you get uncertain about the flavor you're getting.
11/14/2012 04:24:40 am
I was dubious about hosting my outdoor party because of the rain in the forcast. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because i was unsure weather to have my party outside because of the rainy forcast.
11/14/2012 04:42:04 am
I was dubious about my history project's grade. Dubious can be used in this sentence because I didnt know what my grade was for my history project.
11/14/2012 04:48:10 am
After my friend had lied to me three times, I was dubious of her story. This word makes sense in this sentence, because after my friend told me a lie 3 times i was doubtful that her story was true.
Mr. Fodor
11/14/2012 09:46:14 am
Come talk to me in the morning.
11/14/2012 05:21:18 am
The dubious consequences didn't scare the boy. The sentence made sense because the consequences did not scare the boy.
11/14/2012 05:53:25 am
I was dubious when my friends were telling me there was a test the next day. Dubious makes sense becuse I was doubting my friends.
11/14/2012 06:29:38 am
After the plane crash, the investigator was dubious if any survivors were left. The word dubious makes sense here because the investigator was unsure if anyone had survived.
11/14/2012 07:59:17 am
I was very dubious about the answer I choose on the math quiz.This word makes sense in the sentence because I was uncertain about the answer I choose.
11/14/2012 08:46:13 am
The question was very dubious. The word fits because the question is hard to under stand.
Mr. Fodor
11/14/2012 09:43:00 am
Check your spelling
11/15/2012 10:03:36 am
The question was very dubious. The word fits because the question is hard to understand.
11/14/2012 09:33:36 am
I was dubious when I didn't know the answer on the test. I was dubious because I was uncertain of the answer and i didn't know what to write.
11/14/2012 09:51:16 am
I was dubious about him because I heard he tells a lot of lies. Dubious makes sense because I was uncertain about the person.
11/14/2012 10:54:00 am
It was a dubious decision to buy the more expensive cat food instead of the cheaper cat food. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because it was an uncertain decision to buy the more costly cat food.
11/14/2012 11:05:23 am
After watching our basketball team practice and not knowing how good the other teams in our league are I am dubious of how many games we will win. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because we have not played any games or seen our competition play.
11/14/2012 11:20:03 am
As Evelyn hiked through the lush, dense jungle she was carefree and paid no attention to the dubious path ahed. The word dubious makes sense in this context because Evelyn did not worry about the uncertain path.
11/14/2012 11:27:40 am
The price on that shirt looked dubious due to its rottenly made sleeves. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because of the poor quality of the item, the price didn't seem right.
11/15/2012 05:45:16 am
I do not like the opera, and when my my said we were going. I was dubious about agreeing to go.
11/15/2012 05:55:51 am
The diamond that had been given to her seemed very dubious.
11/15/2012 06:26:00 am
After my sister asked the difficult question, the answer seemed dubious. The word makes sense in this sentence because the anwer to the question was uncertain.
11/15/2012 06:28:49 am
I was dubious about my score in the game. This makes sense because I was questioning and uncertain that my score was correct.
11/15/2012 07:47:00 am
The answer in math was very dubious to me. It makes sense because the answer for me wasn't very obvious.
11/15/2012 07:49:19 am
The students dubious answer was strange to the class. This sentence makes sence because the student was uncertain about ther answer.
Mr. Fodor
11/18/2012 10:22:43 am
Check punctuation
11/15/2012 08:06:43 am
Alfanzo's latest excuse to the teacher about where he was during class was dubious.
11/15/2012 08:08:45 am
I was dubious of the fact that my moms birthday was the next day.
11/15/2012 08:29:41 am
I am dubious that our newly put together plan will work, so I think we should change it. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because I am uncertain that the new plan will work.
11/15/2012 09:32:05 am
People were dubious that Drew Brees would be a Quarterback.It make sense because people were doubt he would play Quarterback.
Mr. Fodor
11/18/2012 10:29:25 am
Check spelling
11/15/2012 09:37:19 am
I was dubious when I was trying to figure out how much that autograph was worth. Dubious makes sense here because I was uncertain on how much the autograph was worth.
11/15/2012 11:08:22 am
Why does that dubious statement make me so mad? This makes sense because the statement that had questionable value.
11/15/2012 11:17:04 am
My favorite color was very dubious, but Kelly still did not guess it. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because it was very obvious to what my favorite color was even tho my Kelly did not guess it.
Mr. Fodor
11/18/2012 10:26:38 am
In this sentence it sounds like "dubious" means obvious based on Kelly not being able to guess it.
11/15/2012 11:18:49 am
The jury was dubious of whether or not to sentence the criminal to death. This makes sense because dubious means uncertain in the sentence.
11/15/2012 12:19:53 pm
After I read my report to the class, I felt dubious about the way I performed in front of the class. Dubious makes sense in this sentence because I felt doubtful about how well I read the report to the class.
11/19/2012 08:33:17 pm
I felt dubious when i was buying a new dog. Dubious makes sense here because it means unsure and i was unsure about which dog to pick
11/21/2012 05:43:08 am
After the child tasted the onions, he was dubious whether he liked the strong flavor. The word dubious makes sense in the sentence because he was not sure if he liked the onions yet.
11/27/2012 12:43:29 pm
I was dubious when i finished checking my math homework about problem 15. i know this works because I am using dubious as an adj to describe myself.
12/6/2012 08:51:41 am
The umpire made a dubious call at the plate. It makes sense because it was a questionable call.
1/3/2013 05:15:19 am
His comment was dubious when he said he won the lottery. This makes sense because winning the lottery is a very slim chance. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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