by Merriam-Webster,
an verb, means "to remedy or set right."
(See the right sidebar that details how and what to post)
Our vocabulary blog word this week is redress.
As defined by Merriam-Webster, redress, an verb, means "to remedy or set right." (See the right sidebar that details how and what to post)
3/18/2013 05:34:43 am
The police officer made a redress action to arrest the criminal. The word redress in this sentence means that the police officer made the right choice of locking up the criminal.
3/18/2013 06:23:08 am
We need to redress the inequalities.
3/18/2013 06:58:36 am
The judge decided to redress the wrongful conviction of the criminal. Redress makes sense in this sentence because the judge decided to set right the wrongful accusation of the criminal.
3/18/2013 07:20:41 am
I had sent something to the wrong address so I had to redress the situation with the mailman. Redress makes sense in this context beacuse the person had to set right where she was supposed to send the package to.
3/18/2013 07:37:16 am
The teacher must redress the rules for study hall. That makes sense in the sentence because the teacher has to set right all the rules that should be followed in study hall.
3/18/2013 07:41:05 am
After a arguement with my friend today, I plan to redress our frienndship. This makes sense because the friendship was broken and is going to be set right.
3/18/2013 07:58:12 am
I wish I could go back in time and redress my fight with her. This sentence makes sense because they would like to make right what happened.
3/18/2013 08:14:07 am
We must redress the manners of our children. Redress makes sense here because the manners of the children must be set right or proper.
3/18/2013 08:15:21 am
My mom told me to redress the kitchen table before my brother got home. Redress makes sense in this sentence because I was told by my mom to fix or set up the table before my brother got home.
3/18/2013 08:27:08 am
The police redressed the burgarly problem.
3/18/2013 08:31:30 am
The mixture of herbs redressed the soldier. This sentence makes sense because the mixture of herbs remedied the wounded soldier.
3/18/2013 08:39:32 am
In order to redress the damage done in the car crash, I paid to have the other person's car fixed. Redress makes sense in this sentence because in order to set right the damage done in the car crash, I paid to have the other person's car fixed.
3/18/2013 09:03:22 am
I was ready to redress the problem after lunch break. This sentence makes sense because I was ready to come back and set the problem right.
3/18/2013 09:05:51 am
Please redress the children for throwing sand. Redress makes sence in this sentence because someone was going to correct their bad actions.
3/18/2013 09:06:32 am
Will there be any redress for the flood victims? This sentence makes sense because it's asking if there will be a remedy for their problem.
3/18/2013 09:29:47 am
I had to redress myself because the clothes that I were wearing were very dirty. Redress makes sense in this sentence because I had to set my clothes right because my clothes were very dirty.
3/18/2013 09:32:42 am
The police officer had to redressed the initial violation report. The statement makes sense because the officer had to set right the statements in the initial report.
3/18/2013 09:33:37 am
It is time to redress our problems from last summer. This sentence makes sense because they want to set their problems right.
3/18/2013 09:42:43 am
He could not redress the damage caused by his crime.
3/18/2013 09:48:29 am
The owner should redress the inequality in his store. This sentence makes sense because the owner has to set the inequality in his store right.
3/18/2013 10:07:35 am
After cheating on his homework, Jim felt guilty abouut cheating and redressed the situation. Redress makes sense in this sentence because Jim set the situation right after he cheated on his homework.
3/18/2013 10:17:30 am
My Mother redressed me that I shall not talk to strangers. Redress makes sense in my sentence because it is saying that my mother set right or made sure I knew that I shall not talk to strangers.
3/18/2013 10:18:29 am
The government officials in cyprus needs to redress the terrible financial crisis they are having. Redress makes sense in this sentence because the government officials need to set the financial crisis right.
3/18/2013 10:26:31 am
The boy's broken leg was redressed. This makes since because the boy's broken leg was set right.
3/18/2013 10:41:39 am
Many volunteers helped redress the town after the tornado. Redress makes sense in this sentence because the volunteers helped set the town right after it was disrupted by a tornado.
3/18/2013 10:47:28 am
After our argument, I went to apologize and redress to him. Redress makes sense in this sentence because the narrator wants to apologize and set the friendship straight.
3/18/2013 10:53:15 am
After diplomacy failed, the leaders decided to redress the topic under less formal circumstances. This makes sense because the leaders brought back the topic for discussion.
3/18/2013 10:58:42 am
I redressed my errors when I retook the test that I failed. This makes sense because I fixed my mistakes on the test.
3/18/2013 11:06:32 am
Drew was falsely accused and had no redress so he could not prove his innocence.
Mr. Fodor
3/20/2013 08:05:49 am
Use it as a verb not a noun
3/18/2013 11:12:16 am
I think you should redress your opinion, it doesn't make sense to me. Redress makes sense in my sentence because I am saying that you remedy your opinion because it did not make sense to me.
3/18/2013 11:24:44 am
It is time for LeBronto redress the past with Cleveland. This makes sense because most people in Cleveland don't like him so he needs tosay sorry.
3/18/2013 12:16:18 pm
My sister will redress after volleyball ends. That makes sense in this context because it's explaining that my sister will remedy after the whole vollleyball season is over.
3/18/2013 12:51:52 pm
The construction worker began to redress the construction plans after the mistake in them had been found. This word makes sense when used in this context because the construction worker began set the construction plans right.
3/19/2013 05:10:18 am
We must redress the relationship between the bully and the person being picked on. Redress can be used here because the relationship between the two people is being set right.
3/19/2013 05:44:42 am
My teacher asked me to redress the problem. Redress makes sense in this sentence because redress means to correct.
3/19/2013 06:03:52 am
I had to redress that comment because it was the wrong thing to say. This sentence makes sense because i had to set right the comment.
3/19/2013 06:10:37 am
He decided to redress his friends because his comments were inappropriate. This sentence makes sense because he wanted to set things right with his friends.
3/19/2013 06:37:31 am
She was too lazy to redress her mistakes in a homework. This makes sense because she didn't set right her homework mistakes.
3/19/2013 06:44:55 am
It took a while for him to redress the rumor that he spread.
3/19/2013 06:59:02 am
In an attempt to redress my grandpa's suffering, I gave him a hug. Redress makes sense in this context because the kid tried to remedy his grandpa's suffering by giving him a hug.
3/19/2013 07:12:43 am
It's time to redress the situation. The word maks sense because the problem must be made right.
3/19/2013 08:00:43 am
My friends redress to the fight helped the situation.
Mr. Fodor
3/20/2013 08:22:36 am
Use as a verb not a noun
3/19/2013 08:14:12 am
We need to redress inequalities.
3/19/2013 09:58:46 am
After the young girl broke one of her school rules, she was redressed about the rule so it wouldn't happen again.
3/19/2013 10:49:18 am
There is no way the parent can redress the damage of the house due to the fire. This makes sense because the parent can not fix the house.
3/19/2013 10:51:37 am
We need to redress the rules about what to wear.
3/19/2013 01:44:27 pm
After the fight with my sister, my mother told me I had to redress my relationship with her. Redress makes sense in this sentence, because I had to fix or make right my relationship with my sister.
3/20/2013 05:33:37 am
He needs to redress his thoughts. The word makes sense because he needed to set his thoughts straight.
3/20/2013 05:55:56 am
The jury had to redress their decision on the criminal. This makes sense since the jury had a change of minds and wanted the defendant to be called innocent.
3/20/2013 06:25:49 am
We thought the judge should redress the case. This makes sense because we thought the judge should make the case right.
3/20/2013 06:37:02 am
It took awhile for him to redress the lie he had told the teachers. It makes sense because he had to make what he had done right for the teachers.
3/20/2013 07:19:39 am
I redressed my mistakes on the math test when I retook it. Redress makes sense in this sentence because it means to fix or set right.
3/20/2013 08:35:06 am
The judge was redress when he declared two men guilty of robbing a bank. Redress makes sense in the sentence because the judge set right the men making them guilty of robbing the bank.
3/20/2013 08:51:49 am
The principal must redress the dress code to the students. Redress makes sense in this sentence because the principal must set right the dress code to the students.
3/20/2013 09:19:54 am
My teammate on the opposite side of the court ran the wrong play and I had to redress the situation. This makes sense because when my teammate ran the wrong play I had to redress the situation
3/20/2013 09:44:58 am
My teacher and I redress the problem. This makes sense because we are setting right the problem.
3/20/2013 09:59:17 am
My mother asked me to redress the lies I had told my brother. The word redress makes sense in this context because my mother asked me to appologize or make up for the lies i had told my little brother.
3/20/2013 11:03:01 am
I redressed all of the material I missed when I was sick. Redressed makes sense here because I went over the work and fixed it.
3/20/2013 11:05:51 am
The blueprints had to be redressed after a mistake in calculation was discovered. The word redressed makes sense in this context because the blueprints were set right.
3/20/2013 11:33:31 am
I had to redress the situation with my parents after I had done wrong.
3/20/2013 11:49:52 am
When the fight was just getting exiting, the police officer showed up and began to redress the situation. The word redress makes sense in the contex because everything was out of hand so the police officer did his job and set things straight.
Mr. Fodor
3/21/2013 11:08:23 pm
just getting exiting?
3/20/2013 10:17:58 pm
After the Cavs lost to the Heat, Byron Scott had to redress their season. It makes sense because he needs to make their season good.
3/21/2013 06:18:51 am
I redressed the mistakes on my history test I took. This makes sense in this sentence because redress means to remedy or set straight
3/21/2013 06:19:55 am
I redressed the mistakes on my history test. The word makes sense in this sentence because redressed means to remedy or set right.
3/21/2013 06:29:41 am
Mrs. Green needs to redress the rules in the classroom so that nobody gets hurt. This makes sense because Mrs. Green needs to set the rules right so nobody will get hurt.
3/21/2013 07:17:01 am
Clark redressed the situation by coming up with a remedy to set things right. Redressed makes sense in this sentence because Clark is fixing the situation by setting things right by coming up with a remedy.
3/21/2013 08:59:40 am
I redressed the problems I had with my friend after a week-long argument. This makes sense in this sentence because I fixed or set things right with my friend.
3/21/2013 09:15:26 am
I had to plant new fruit my neighbor's garden after my dog got loose and ate it to redress our friendship.
3/21/2013 10:20:47 am
I had to redress the package because I sent it to the wrong location. Redress makes sense in this sentence because I had to resend the package to the right location.
3/21/2013 10:30:12 am
The hot tea redressed the boy's sore throat. The word redressed makes sense in this sentence because the tea was used as a remedy for the boy's sore throat.
3/21/2013 10:44:47 am
Some people taking test have to redress problems. Redress makes sense in the sentence because they have to make the right choice to get the correct answer.
3/21/2013 11:01:33 am
The principal had to redress the fight of the two boys at recess.
3/21/2013 01:18:14 pm
After LeBron was not nice when he said he was talking his talents to south beach, he redressed it by saying he was sorry and would like to come back and play for the cavs. This works because LeBron tries to set things right after he messed it up.
Mr. Fodor
3/21/2013 11:11:26 pm
Spelling mistake
3/22/2013 06:04:42 am
The teacher redressed the homework assignment. Redress makes sense because the teacher reset the homework straight. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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